Microsoft Word 365 Mac Insert New Headings
2020-3-19 I'm preparing a document with about 75 pages. I want to put the same header and footer format on each page, but insert different header and footer text for each page. I'm using Word 2011 for Mac. Dec 28, 2018 Word provides built-in styles for several different levels of headings and subheads—Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on. The styles define the font family, size, color, and more. While you can create your own styles and use those as headings, or adjust the formatting of headings look on the fly, you can also change the default styles if you want.
By J. Carlton Collins, CPAQ. I've created a Word document with multiple chapters, and I want to insert different headers and footers for each chapter. However, each time I create a new header, it changes my previous headers. What's the solution to creating different headers?
A. As a default in Word, all subsequent headers and footers link to the previous page's header and footer. To insert a new header or footer without altering the one you've already inserted, navigate to the bottom of the last page before your new header or footer, and from the Layout tab (or the Page Layout tab) select Breaks, Next Page as pictured below. This action will create a section break enabling you to apply different attributes (such as headers and footers, margin settings, page sizes, orientations, etc.) to one section of the document without affecting other sections.
On the next page after the break, navigate to the header or footer area and double-click that area to make it editable (referred to as Design mode); this action also displays the header and footer toolbars. Next, select the existing header or footer and click the Link to Previous option (as circled below) to break the header or footer connection.
Once the link is broken, you can edit or change the new section's header or footer without affecting your previous headers or footers. Continue to insert Next Page breaks and then break the link connections for each subsequent chapter where you want different headers or footers to appear.
About the author
J. Carlton Collins ( is a technology consultant, a CPE instructor, and a JofA contributing editor.
Note: Instructions for Microsoft Office in “Technology Q&A” refer to the 2007 through 2016 versions, unless otherwise specified.
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Inserting a file into OneNote for Windows 10 makes it easy to keep all your notes organized. You can insert a file as an attachment so you can open a copy of the file in OneNote. Alternately, you can insert a Portable Document Format (PDF) file or upload a file to your account storage and link to it in your notes.
Insert a file as an attachment
Click Insert > File.
Select Insert as Attachment.
In the box that appears, select the file and select Open.
Tip: If you don't see the file you're looking for, you can sort by name, change the location, or go up in the folder structure. Select the arrows next to the headings in the box to navigate to your file.
Remember that the attachment is a copy of the original and isn't linked to it. Any changes you make to one won't be applied to the other.
Matching Headings
Insert a PDF file as an image
Select Insert > File.
Select Insert PDF Printout.
In the box that appears, select the file and select Open.
Tip: If you don't see the file you're looking for, you can sort by name, change the location, or go up in the folder structure. Select the arrows next to the headings in the box to navigate to your file.
If the PDF is large, it may take a moment for it to be embedded in your notes.
Remember that the attachment is a copy of the original and isn't linked to it. Any changes you make to one won't be applied to the other.
Send to OneNote
Apa Headings
Select Insert > File.
Select Send to OneNote.
When prompted with “Did you mean to switch apps?” click Yes.
When Send to OneNote opens in the Store app, click Get.
Word Headings
Tip: For more information about the Send to OneNote app for OneNote for Windows 10, see Send documents and files to OneNote for Windows 10.