List Of Fonts Included With Microsoft Office Mac Os

Microsoft photo editor free download - Fotor Photo Editor, Plain Text Editor, ACDSee Pro 3, and many more programs. PhotoPad Free Photo Editor for Mac. Photo editing software, bringing out. Microsoft photo editor mac image editor. Sep 26, 2018  To open a photo in Edit view, double-click a photo in your library, then click Edit in the toolbar. You can also select a photo and pressCommand-Return to open a photo in Edit view. Click a tab in the middle of the toolbar to select from the three groups of editing tools: Adjust, Filters, and Crop.

(Redirected from List of typefaces included with Mac OS X)

Office 2016 for Mac More. Users may see issues with fonts when using version 16.9 of Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, OneNote and Microsoft PowerPoint on macOS. These fonts are available only in documents that already use the font, or in apps that request the font by name. Some are older fonts that were included with earlier versions of the Mac operating system or Apple apps. Japanese: Now Read This: The Microsoft ClearType Font Collection -.pdf - 4,716KB Download. In 2003, Microsoft brought together a team in Redmond to brainstorm, to learn about ClearType, and to kick-off a new project; to create a new set of Typefaces designed specifically to work with ClearType.

That being said, there is a way to sync your iCloud calendar with Outlook for Mac—you can subscribe to your iCloud calendar to Outlook on the web (Outlook Web Access), and once you do that, the subscribed iCloud calendar automatically syncs with Outlook for Mac. Open a browser window and sign in. 2018-4-16  To configure your Apple iCloud email account in Microsoft Outlook for Mac, follow these steps: Start Outlook for Mac. On the Tools menu, click Accounts. Click the plus (+) sign in the lower-left corner, and then select Other E-mail. Enter your E-mail Address. Icloud microsoft outlook macbook pro. To configure your Apple iCloud email account in Microsoft Outlook for Mac, follow these steps: Start Outlook for Mac. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.; Click the plus (+) sign in the lower-left corner, and then select Other E-mail.; Enter your E-mail Address and Password, and then click Add Account. Note: The new account will appear in the left navigation pane of the Accounts dialog box. 目前,Outlook for Mac 不支持 CalDAV 或 CardDAV Internet 标准。这意味着 Outlook for Mac 不同步您 iCloud 日历或联系人列表时添加 iCloud 电子邮件帐户。谈话,没有同步 Outlook for Mac 与 iCloud 日历的方法,您可以为 Outlook 网页版 (Outlook Web Access. 2020-2-21  The iCloud Outlook Add-in transfers your content between iCloud and Outlook. Follow these steps in Outlook 2010 and later to check and turn on the Add-in: Select the File menu. Click Options in the left panel. Click Add-ins in the left panel of the Outlook Options window. Look at the list of add-ins in the Active Application Add-ins section.

This list of fonts contains every font shipped with Mac OS X 10.0 through macOS 10.14, including any that shipped with language-specific updates from Apple (primarily Korean and Chinese fonts). For fonts shipped only with Mac OS X 10.5, please see Apple's documentation.

System fonts up to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion[edit]

Family NameSubtypeStyles AvailableTarget script and other notes
Al Bayannon-LatinRegular, BoldArabic
American Typewriterserif, bookCondensed Light, Condensed, Condensed Bold, Light, Regular, Bold
Andalé Monosans, mono, bookRegular
Apple Casualsans, titleRegularHidden, see below
Apple ChanceryscriptRegular
Apple Garamondserif, bookLight, Light Italic, Book, Book Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicHidden, see below
Apple Gothicsans, bookRegularKorean
Apple LiGothicnon-LatinMediumTraditional Chinese
Apple LiSungnon-LatinLightTraditional Chinese
Apple Myungjonon-LatinRegularKorean
Apple SymbolspictoRegular
.AquaKanaRegularJapanese, Not depicted below
Arialsans, bookCondensed Light, Narrow, Narrow Italic, Narrow Bold, Narrow Bold Italic, Regular, Italic, Bold, Rounded Bold, Bold Italic, BlackBundled with Windows
Arial Hebrewnon-LatinRegular, BoldHebrew
Ayuthayanon-LatinRegularThai; not depicted below
Baskervilleserif, bookRegular, Italic, Semi-bold, Semi-bold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Beijingnon-LatinRegularSimplified Chinese; bitmap only
BiauKainon-LatinRegularTraditional Chinese; missing in Yosemite and El Capitan until Sierra.
Big Caslonserif, bookMedium
Brush ScriptscriptItalic
Chalkboardsans, titleRegular, BoldBold added in 10.4; Bold not depicted below
Chalkdustersans, bookRegularadded in 10.6; not depicted below
Charcoalsans, bookRegularClassic only
Charcoal CYnon-Latin, sansRegularCyrillic
Chicagosans, bookRegularClassic only, see Krungthep below
CochinRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Comic Sanssans, decoRegular, BoldBundled with Windows
Cooperserif, bookBlack
Copperplateserif, title, small capsLight, Regular, Bold
Corsiva Hebrewnon-LatinRegular, BoldHebrew
Courierserif mono, bookRegular, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique
Courier Newserif mono, bookRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicBundled with Windows
DecoType Naskhnon-LatinRegularNaskh Arabic; not depicted below
Devanagarinon-LatinRegular, BoldDevanagari
Didotserif, bookRegular, Italic, Bold
Euphemia UCASRegular, Italic, BoldCanadian Syllabics; not depicted below
Futurasans, bookCondensed Medium, Condensed Extra Bold, Medium, Medium Italic
Gadgetsans, titleRegularClassic only
Geeza Pronon-LatinRegular, BoldArabic
Genevasans, bookRegular
Geneva CYnon-Latin, sansRegularCyrillic
Georgiaserif, bookRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicBundled with Windows
Gill Sanssans, bookLight, Light Italic, Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Gujaratinon-LatinRegular, BoldGujarati
Gung Seochenon-LatinRegularKorean, named '#GungSeo' in font list
HeadlineAnon-LatinRegularKorean, named '#HeadLineA' in font list
Heinon-LatinRegularSimplified Chinese
Helveticasans, bookRegular, Oblique, Bold, Bold ObliqueSystem Font for Small Text
Helvetica CYnon-Latin, sans, bookRegular, Oblique, Bold, Bold ObliqueCyrillic; Face is condensed compared to Helvetica, Helvetica Neue
Helvetica Neuesans, bookCondensed Bold, Condensed Black, Ultra-light, Ultra-light Italic, Light, Light Italic, Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Herculanumsans, deco, upper caseRegular
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pronon-LatinW3, W6Japanese
Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProNnon-LatinW3, W6Japanese based on JIS X 0213
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Stdnon-LatinW8Japanese
Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdNnon-LatinW8Japanese based on JIS X 0213
Hiragino Maru Gothic Pronon-LatinW4Japanese
Hiragino Maru Gothic ProNnon-LatinW4Japanese based on JIS X 0213
Hiragino Mincho Pronon-LatinW3, W6Japanese
Hiragino Mincho ProNnon-LatinW3, W6Japanese based on JIS X 0213
Hoefler Textserif, bookRegular, Italic, Black, Black Italic, OrnamentsRe‐added in 10.3, but present in System 7.5 also
Inai Mathinon-LatinRegularTamil; added in 10.4; not depicted below
Impactsans, titleRegularBundled with Windows
Jung Gothicnon-LatinMediumKorean
Kainon-LatinRegularSimplified Chinese
Krungthepnon-LatinRegularThai; Latin characters identical to Chicago; not depicted below
KufiStandard GKnon-LatinRegularArabic; not depicted below
LiHei Pronon-LatinMediumTraditional Chinese
LiSong Pronon-LatinLightTraditional Chinese
Lucida Grandesans, bookRegular, BoldMain System Font in Mac OS X
Marker Feltsans, decoThin, Wide
Menlosans, monoRegular, Bold, Italic
Monacosans, monoRegular
Monaco CYnon-Latin, sansRegularCyrillic
Mshtakannon-LatinRegular, Oblique, Bold, Bold ObliqueArmenian; added in 10.3; not depicted below
New Peninimsans, bookRegular, Inclined, Bold, Bold InclinedHebrew
New Yorkserif, bookRegularClassic only
NISC GB18030non-LatinRegularChinese; bitmap only; not depicted below; named 'GB18030 Bitmap' in font lists
OptimaRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Extra Black
Osakanon-Latin monoRegular, MonospaceJapanese
Palatinoserif, bookRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicClassic or iLife
Papyrussans, decoRegular
PC Myungjonon-LatinRegularKorean, named '#PCMyungjo' in font list
Pilgichenon-LatinRegularKorean, named '#PilGi' in font list
Plantagenet Cherokeeserif, bookRegularCherokee
Raanananon-LatinRegular, BoldHebrew
Sandsans, decoRegular
Sathunon-LatinRegularThai; not depicted below
Shin Myungjo Neuenon-LatinRegularKorean
Silomnon-LatinRegularThai; not depicted below
Skiasans, titleRegular
Snell RoundhandcursiveRegular
Songnon-LatinRegularSimplified Chinese
ST FangSongnon-LatinRegularSimplified Chinese
ST Heitinon-LatinLight, RegularSimplified Chinese
ST Kaitinon-LatinRegularSimplified Chinese
ST Songnon-LatinRegularSimplified Chinese
Tae Graphicnon-LatinRegularKorean
Tahomasans, bookLight, Regular, BoldBundled with Windows
Taipeinon-LatinRegularTraditional Chinese; bitmap only; not depicted below
Technosans, titleRegularClassic only
Textilesans, decoRegularClassic (and iDVD)
Thonburinon-LatinRegularThai; not depicted below
Timesserif, bookRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
Times CYnon-Latin, serifRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicCyrillic; removed from 10.4
Times New Romanserif, bookRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicBundled with Windows
Trebuchet MSsans, bookRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicBundled with Windows
Verdanasans, bookRegular, Italic, Bold, Bold ItalicBundled with Windows
Zapf ChanceryscriptMedium ItalicClassic only
Zapf DingbatspictoRegular
Zapfinoscript, decoRegular

New fonts added with OS X 10.10 Yosemite[edit]

The following system fonts have been added with Yosemite:

  • ITC Bodoni 72: Book, Italic, Bold (these three in separate fonts with lining and text figures), Small Caps, Ornaments (Sumner Stone)
  • ITF Devanagari
  • Kohinoor Devanagari (Satya Rajpurohit)
  • Luminari (Philip Bouwsma)
  • Phosphate: Inline and Solid (Steve Jackaman & Ashley Muir)
  • Shree Devanagari 714 (Modular Infotech)
  • SignPainter (House Industries)
  • Skia: Light, Light Condensed, Light Extended, Condensed, Extended, Bold, Black, Black Condensed, Black Extended (Matthew Carter; system previously only included regular)
  • Sukhumvit Set: Thin, Light, Text, Medium, SemiBold, Bold (Anuthin Wongsunkakon)
  • Bitstream Symbols
  • Trattatello (James Grieshaber)

New fonts added with OS X 10.11 El Capitan[edit]

At least the following system fonts have been added with El Capitan:

  • PingFang SC / PingFang TC / PingFang HK, a new set of Chinese UI Fonts produced by DynaComware in lieu of deprecated STHeiti Family.
  • San Francisco UI / Display / Text.
List Of Fonts Included With Microsoft Office Mac Os

New fonts added with macOS 10.12 Sierra[edit]

At least the following system fonts have been added with Sierra:

  • Toppan Bunkyu Mincho Pr6N Regular
  • Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Minchoi StdN ExtraBold
  • Toppan Bunkyu Gothic Pr6N Regular / Demibold
  • Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Gothic StdN Extrabold
  • Monotype LingWai Medium (SC / TC)
  • Songti (SC / TC)
  • Yu Kyokasho N (Medium / Bold) (Vertical Version / Horizontal Version)
  • San Francisco Mono

New fonts added with macOS 10.13 High Sierra[edit]

List Of Fonts Included With Microsoft Office Mac Os

High Sierra added several system fonts or additional weights of existing system fonts:

  • Charter (Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Black, Black Italic)
  • DIN (Alternate Bold, Condensed Bold)
  • Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN W8
  • InaiMathi (Bold)
  • Kai (Regular)
  • Kaiti SC (Regular, Bold, Black)
  • Myriad Arabic (Semibold)
  • Noto Nastaliq Urdu
  • Rockwell (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic)
  • STIX Two Math
  • STIX Two Text (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic)

macOS 10.14 Mojave[edit]

No new fonts were provided with Mojave.

Font appearances[edit]

  • These images compare Roman fonts only, in most styles:
  • The fonts in the following list were included as 'extras' with AppleWorks 6,[1] which was bundled with new iMacs until 2006.[2]

Hidden fonts[edit]

List Of Fonts Included With Microsoft Office Mac Os Download

A number of fonts have also been provided with iMovie, iLife, iDVD and other Apple applications in hidden folders, for the sole use of these applications. The reason why these fonts are hidden is unknown, with licensing issues suggested as the cause. However, one may easily install them for use by all applications by copying them out of their Library directories and installing them as with any third-party font, although one should always check that the license for the fonts allows them to be used outside the given software.[3]

Notable hidden fonts on macOS include Bank Gothic, Bodoni, Century Gothic, Century Schoolbook, Garamond, several cuts of Lucida and Monotype Twentieth Century.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Elferdink, Jim & David Reynolds, AppleWorks 6: The Missing Manual, p. 422
  2. ^Williams, Warren & Cathleen Merritt, AppleWorks Journal, March 2006, p. 7
  3. ^Tomalty, Fletcher. 'Hidden fonts on Mac OS X'. Archived from the original on 6 October 2014. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
List Of Fonts Included With Microsoft Office Mac Os


List Of Fonts Included With Microsoft Office Mac Os 10

  • Apple's font list for 10.3 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.4 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.5 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.6 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.7 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.8 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.9 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.12 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.13 (names only, no images)
  • Apple's font list for 10.14 (names only, no images)
  • Advanced Typography with Mac OS X Tiger (Appendix B contains representations of Latin fonts included with Mac OS 10.4 Tiger)
  • Code Style's survey of Mac OS fonts (includes OS 8/9 users)
  • Szántó Tibor: A betű (The type) (Hungarian; Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1982, ISBN963 05 0327 1), Chapter XVI.

External links[edit]

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